Harima Chemicals Group, Inc.

About Us

Domestic Sites & Subsidiaries

Harima Chemicals Group, Inc.

Formulation and promotion of Group management strategies
Management of its [Resins and Tall Oil Products], [Paper Chemicals] and [Electronic Materials] business unit companies

Tokyo Head Office
Nihonbashi Sakuradori Bldg. 5th floor, 3-8-4 Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0027, Japan
TEL +81-3-5205-3080 FAX +81-3-3241-3035
Image : Tokyo Head Office
Osaka Head Office
Keihanshin Yodoyabashi Bldg. 5th floor, 4-4-7 Imabashi, Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-0042, Japan
TEL +81-6-6201-2461 FAX +81-6-6227-1030
Image : Osaka Head Office

Harima Chemicals, Inc.

Manufacture and sale of resins and tall oil products, paper chemicals, and electronic materials

Tokyo Head Office
Nihonbashi Sakuradori Bldg. 5th floor, 3-8-4 Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0027, Japan
Head Office TEL +81-3-5205-3080 FAX +81-3-3241-3035
Sales          TEL +81-3-5205-3033 FAX +81-3-5205-3049
Image Tokyo Head Office
Osaka Head Office
Keihanshin Yodoyabashi Bldg. 5th floor, 4-4-7 Imabashi, Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-0042, Japan
Head Office TEL +81-6-6201-2461 FAX +81-6-6227-1030
Sales          TEL +81-6-6201-2464 FAX +81-6-6201-0391
Image Osaka Head Office
Kakogawa Plant/Central Research Laboratory
671-4 Mizuashi, Noguchi-cho, Kakogawa, Hyogo 675-0019, Japan
Kakogawa Plant
TEL +81-79-422-3301 FAX +81-79-426-6008
Central Research Laboratory
TEL +81-79-422-3301 FAX +81-79-426-2650
Business Description Manufacture and R&D of paint resins, paper chemicals and electronic materials, and manufacture of synthetic rubber emulsifiers and various tall oil products (rosin, fatty acids, etc.)
Image : Kakogawa Plant
Kakogawa Plant
Image : Central Research Laboratory
Central Research Laboratory
Tsukuba Research Laboratory
5-9-3 Tokodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 300-2635, Japan
TEL +81-29-847-5080 FAX +81-29-847-5081
Business DescriptionR&D of ink resins, adhesive resins, synthetic rubber emulsifiers, various tall oil products (rosin, fatty acids, etc.) and new-age electronic materials
Image : Tsukuba Research Laboratory
Sendai Plant/Sales Office
1-2-1 Suehiro, Iwanuma, Miyagi 989-2426, Japan
TEL +81-223-22-1201 FAX +81-223-24-2790
Business DescriptionManufacture and sale of paper chemicals
Image : Sendai Plant/Sales Office
Ibaraki Plant
13-1 Kasuminosato, Ami-machi, Inashiki-gun, Ibaraki 300-0315, Japan
TEL +81-29-889-2911 FAX +81-29-889-2880
Business DescriptionManufacture of paint resins, adhesive resins and ink resins
Image : Ibaraki Plant
Tokyo Plant
6-18-1 Inari, Soka, Saitama 340-0003, Japan
TEL +81-48-931-4311 FAX +81-48-935-0664
Business DescriptionManufacture of paint resins, adhesive resins and ink resins
Image : Tokyo Plant
Fuji Plant/Sales Office
311-9 Hina, Fuji, Shizuoka 417-0847, Japan
TEL +81-545-38-2254 FAX +81-545-38-2151
Business DescriptionManufacture and sale of paper chemicals and ink resins
Image : Fuji Plant/Sales Office
Shikoku Plant
365-1 Muramatsu-cho, Shikokuchuo, Ehime 799-0401, Japan
TEL +81-896-24-1001 FAX +81-896-24-1003
Business DescriptionManufacture of paper chemicals
Image : Shikoku Plant

Other domestic subsidiaries

Harima M.I.D., Inc.
Head Office Keihanshin Yodoyabashi Bldg. 5th floor, 4-4-7 Imabashi, Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-0042, Japan
TEL +81-6-6201-2461 FAX +81-6-6227-1030
Kakogawa Plant 671-4 Mizuashi, Noguchi-cho, Kakogawa, Hyogo 675-0019, Japan
TEL +81-79-424-2312 FAX +81-79-424-2118

U.S.-Japan joint venture with International Paper Company, the world's largest paper company

Business DescriptionManufacture of rosin, fatty acids, etc.
Image : Harima M.I.D., Inc.
Harima Trading, Inc.
Head OfficeKeihanshin Yodoyabashi Bldg. 5th floor, 4-4-7 Imabashi, Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-0042, Japan
TEL +81-6-6201-2461 FAX +81-6-6227-1030 Kakogawa Sales Office827-6 Mizuashi, Noguchi-cho, Kakogawa, Hyogo 675-0019, Japan
TEL +81-79-425-0300 FAX +81-79-425-0100 Hotel Sakushu-Musashi/Sakushu-Musashi Country Club878 Omachi, Mimasaka, Okayama 707-0124, Japan
Hotel Sakushu-Musashi
TEL +81-868-77-1380 FAX +81-868-77-0939
Sakushu-Musashi Country Club
TEL +81-868-77-0153 FAX +81-868-77-1381
Business DescriptionWarehouse, hotel, golf course and real estate management
Image : Kakogawa Sales Office
Kakogawa Sales Office
Image : Hotel Sakushu-Musashi
Hotel Sakushu-Musashi
Image : Sakushu-Musashi Country Club
Sakushu-Musashi Country Club
Nippon Filler Metals, Ltd.
Head Office/Sekiyado Plant487, Sekiyadomotomachi, Noda, Chiba 270-0203, Japan
TEL +81-4-7196-2551 FAX +81-4-7196-2553
Business DescriptionManufacture and sale of solder materials and related products
Image : Nippon Filler Metals, Ltd.
Seven Rivers, Inc.
Head Office/Plant3-5-1 Tomonishi, Asaminami-ku, Hiroshima 731-3169, Japan
TEL +81-82-848-9111 FAX +81-82-848-2218 Tokyo Branch6-17-8 Inari, Soka, Saitama 340-0003, Japan
TEL +81-48-931-6468 FAX +81-48-935-1830
Business DescriptionManufacture and sale of industrial detergents and cleaning equipment
Image : Seven Rivers, Inc.
Harima Foods, Inc.
Osaka Head OfficeHigobashi Plaza Bldg. 8th floor, 1-4-22 Kyomachibori, Nishi-ku, Osaka 550-0003, Japan
TEL +81-6-6447-7711 FAX +81-6-6447-7811 Kakogawa PlantKakogawa Industrial Park, 179-12 Mizuashi, Noguchi-cho, Kakogawa, Hyogo 675-0019, Japan
TEL +81-79-426-6462 FAX +81-79-426-8827 Tokyo Sales OfficeNihonbashi Sakuradori Bldg. 5th floor, 3-8-4 Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0027, Japan
TEL +81-3-3243-2555 FAX +81-3-3243-2556
Business DescriptionManufacture and sale of business-use foods, and sale of health foods and functional ingredients
Osaka Head Office
Osaka Head Office
Kakogawa Plant
Kakogawa Plant
Tokyo Sales Office
Tokyo Sales Office

Related organizations

Shorai Foundation for Science and Technology

The Shorai Foundation for Science and Technology was established in March 1983 following receipt of an award granted to then-president and Harima founder, Sueyoshi Hasegawa by the Japanese government for the company’s contributions to the advancement of research and development on tall oil. Ever since, the foundation has actively promoted the advancement of science and technology, through subsidizing and encouraging research and study.

"Shorai" roughly translates as "the wind blowing through pine trees"; phonetically similar to the word "shorai" which means "future" in Japanese, it symbolizes the foundation’s orientation to the future of technology and development of society.

Among the winning researchers are two Nobel Prize Laureates:

  • 1986 grant winner, Dr. Ryoji Noyori
    Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 2001
  • 1991 grant winner, Dr. Akira Suzuki
    Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 2010